版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本
PicAudio converts your video/audio to a video with picture and original audio.
# Full description
Picture Audio File is a video file that is consist of a still picture/image/photo and a normal music/voice/sound track.
The tool helps you:
# to record your music/voice/sound, and generate a video file with a picture you chose.
# to add a picture/image/photo into an audio/music/voice file.
# to replace your original video with a still picture/image/photo, audio is kept as original. It eliminates the concerns of exposure of visual privacy recorded in the video.
Use case:
# In WeChat/WhatsApp, you may record a video with voice, and convert it into a picture audio file, then share it to any groups as you do for a normal video file, which could be forward and save without any limitation.
# If you have music video, the size is too big to share, you may convert it into a much smaller picture audio file and share it as a normal video files.
# To add a cover on a music audio, and share it as a video to friends.
# To crop a audio/video file into pieces.
# Record music/voice/sound and share it as a video file.
Steps to record a Picture Audio File
# Click the [Gallery] icon located at left-top, to pick a photo
# Click the [PicAudio] word in upper box, to edit the title of the photo
# Click the [Record] icon located at right-top, to record your voice into a Picture Audio File
# Click the [Play] icon at center of lower box, to play the recorded audio
# Click the [Share] button located at bottom, to share your voice to WeChat/WhatsApp etc.
Steps to convert existing audio/video file into a Picture Audio File
# Click the [Gallery] icon located at left-top, to pick a photo
# Click the [PicAudio] word in upper box, to edit the title for the photo
# Click the [Record] icon located at left-bottom, to pick a audio/video
# Drag the left/right pin of the range bar, to trim/crop the audio/video file
# Click the [Cut] icon located at right-bottom, to trim/crop and convert the audio/video file into a Picture Audio File
# Click the [Share] button located at bottom, to share the Picture Audio File to WeChat/WhatsApp etc.
Technical Info:
The app supports all kind of video/audio formats e.g. mp3, wav, amr, mp4, 3gp, m4v etc. It converts the file into a standard mp4(h264+aac) video file.
All processed files are stored in local storage folder [/sdcard//Movies/picaudio] only.
Privileges Required:
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : to pick a photo and audio/video file for conversion.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : to store recorded voice or converted picture audio file.
RECORD_AUDIO : to record voice with a picture.
MEDIA_PROJECTION_SERVICE : to supply picture when recording voice.
Privacy Policy:
The app does not collect any personal and device data. The voice recorded and the video generated is kept in local storage of device only.